
學校排名 Ranking

2024 工工(Industrial / Manufacturing / Systems)排名

資料來源 : US News & World Report (Ranked in Apr. 2024)

排名 學校 城市
Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta  GA
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor Ann Arbor  MI
University of California, Berkeley Berkeley  CA
Northwestern University (McCormick) Evanston  IL
Virginia Tech Blacksburg  VA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge  MA
Purdue University--Main Campus West Lafayette  IN
Stanford University Stanford  CA
University of Wisconsin--Madison Madison  WI
10 Cornell University Ithaca  NY
11 Penn State University--University Park University Park  PA
11 Texas A&M University--College Station College Station  TX
13 University of Southern California (Viterbi) Los Angeles  CA
14 Columbia University (Fu Foundation) New York  NY
15 North Carolina State University Raleigh  NC
15 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Grainger) Urbana  IL
17 Ohio State University Columbus  OH
17 University of Texas--Austin (Cockrell) Austin  TX
19 Arizona State University (Fulton) Tempe  AZ
19 Lehigh University (Rossin) Bethlehem  PA
19 University of Florida (Wertheim) Gainesville  FL
22 Rutgers University--New Brunswick Piscataway  NJ
22 University at Buffalo--SUNY Buffalo  NY
24 Clemson University Clemson  SC
24 Iowa State University Ames  IA
24 Northeastern University Boston  MA
24 University of Arizona Tucson  AZ
24 University of Pittsburgh (Swanson) Pittsburgh  PA
29 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy  NY
29 University of Minnesota--Twin Cities Minneapolis  MN
29 University of Washington Seattle  WA
32 Auburn University (Ginn) Auburn  AL
32 George Mason University (Volgenau) Fairfax  VA
32 Johns Hopkins University (Whiting) Baltimore  MD
32 University of Arkansas--Fayetteville Fayetteville  AR
36 Binghamton University--SUNY (Watson) Binghamton  NY
36 George Washington University Washington  DC
36 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey  CA
36 Oklahoma State University Stillwater  OK
36 University of Iowa Iowa City  IA
36 University of Massachusetts--Amherst Amherst  MA
36 University of Virginia Charlottesville  VA
43 University of Central Florida Orlando  FL
44 Case Western Reserve University (Case) Cleveland  OH
44 Stevens Institute of Technology (Schaefer) Hoboken  NJ
44 University of Houston (Cullen) Houston  TX
44 University of Tennessee--Knoxville (Tickle) Knoxville  TN
48 Air Force Institute of Technology OH  
48 Dartmouth College (Thayer) Hanover  NH
48 New York University (Tandon) Brooklyn  NY
48 Rochester Institute of Technology (Gleason) Rochester  NY
48 University of California--Irvine (Samueli) Irvine  CA
48 University of Oklahoma (Gallogly) Norman  OK
48 University of South Florida Tampa  FL
55 Boston University Boston  MA
55 Kansas State University Manhattan  KS
55 Oregon State University Corvallis  OR
55 Texas Tech University (Whitacre) Lubbock  TX
55 University of Illinois--Chicago Chicago  IL
55 University of Louisville (Speed) Louisville  KY
55 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester  MA
62 Mississippi State University (Bagley) Mississippi State  MS
62 Missouri University of Science & Technology--Rolla Rolla  MO
62 New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark  NJ
62 North Carolina A&T State University Greensboro  NC
62 The University of Texas at Arlington Arlington  TX
62 Wayne State University Detroit  MI
68 Colorado State University (Scott) Fort Collins  CO
68 Florida A&M University - Florida State University Tallahassee  FL
68 Southern Methodist University (Lyle) Dallas  TX
68 University of Alabama--Huntsville Huntsville  AL
68 University of Miami Coral Gables  FL
68 University of Michigan--Dearborn Dearborn  MI
68 University of Missouri Columbia  MO
68 Washington University in St. Louis (McKelvey) St. Louis  MO
68 Wichita State University Wichita  KS
77 Louisiana State University--Baton Rouge Baton Rouge  LA
77 West Virginia University (Statler) Morgantown  WV
77 Wright State University Dayton  OH
80 Ohio University (Russ) Athens  OH
80 Old Dominion University (Batten) Norfolk  VA
80 University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee Milwaukee  WI
83 Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne  FL
83 New Mexico State University Las Cruces  NM
83 University of Massachusetts--Lowell (Francis) Lowell  MA
83 University of New Hampshire Durham  NH
83 University of Rhode Island Kingston  RI
83 Western Michigan University Kalamazoo  MI
89 Montana State University Bozeman  MT
89 Morgan State University (Mitchell) Baltimore  MD
89 North Dakota State University Fargo  ND
89 Southern Illinois University--Carbondale Carbondale  IL
93 Lamar University Beaumont  TX
93 Oakland University Rochester  MI
93 University of Denver (Ritchie) Denver  CO
93 University of Louisiana--Lafayette Lafayette  LA
93 University of Toledo Toledo  OH
99 University of South Alabama Mobile  AL