



即將邁入2021年,根據Open door reports 統計2019/20學年度國際學生的入學情況,美國仍然位於第一,自2015年至2020年,留學美國的國際留學生已經連續第五年超過100萬人,這個數字遠超過其他國家,占全世界國際學生人數的五分之一,而2019/20學年度,國際留學生選擇主修第一名為理工科學(STEM)領域。COVID-19 是IIE (國際教育交流協會,每年進行美國國際學生調查和報告的單位) 成立有史以來遭遇的第12次大流行疾病,IIE總裁兼首席執行官 Allan Goodman 表示“儘管流行病造成巨大的困難和破壞,國際學生交流都會迅速恢復,學生數也會顯著地成長,所以我們有足夠理由保持樂觀!

The Open Doors 2019–2020 report was compiled before the COVID-19 pandemic affected education around the world.

But there is reason to believe the pandemic won’t negatively affect global education in the long run, said Allan Goodman, president and chief executive of IIE.

COVID-19 is the 12th pandemic in IIE’s 101-year history. During the others, IIE was able to track trends in international education and found that, after a pandemic, international exchange quickly bounced back.

“While pandemics cause tremendous hardship and disruption, there are also strong reasons for optimism,” he said. “After each, international education exchange rapidly resumes and the number of student involved also grows substantially.”

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資料來源: https://opendoorsdata.org/data/international-students/enrollment-trends/