
經驗分享 Testimonial

Southeast Missouri State University- Dean

Greetings from a student abroad
 錄取學校:Southeast Missouri State University
Dear Linda,

The cape of Missouri is a quite beautiful town that people are friendly here and food is good. Moreover, my roommate is a native guy who moved in just a couple days ago. He is nice but I don't think he is a tidy guy. However, I am really happy to have a native roommate that would be good for my English ability. Of course, I would very appreciate you help me look for one native roommate.

Honestly, it's hard for international students to live in American, not to mention getting along with native people/students. Nevertheless, I would do my best to find nice opportunity to talk to them.

I am the only one who just comes from Taiwan. That's good for me to practice English. Also that's an advantage for international students to learn or acquire English. With the progressing of S & T, keeping in touch with my family and you would become easier to do so. Nothing would more than having a Skype system because we can talk on line.

Still, I am so appreciate your application support and warm greeting. This school and residents are so nice that you can recommend students to come here for their degrees although there is no bus at all, only having a shuttle bus (Bart). No double, if I have any information, I would let you know first. Keep in touch and take care.

Sincerely yours

Dean (Jack)