在準備留學申請時,各項排名成為重要的篩選依據,不管是US News、QS,或是Times排名。然而,對於想留在美國工作的同學來說,僅參考學術排名來選擇學校,與實際留美工作的需求還有一段差距。今天介紹一個專為國際學生設計、並受到Purdue等知名大學推薦的求職網站:F1 Hire.com。該網站根據美國教育部、勞工部以及移民局的數據,製作了針對國際學生的美國大學就業成果和投資報酬率排名。
學人留學的美國顧問Morris指出:美國教育的學費越來越高,學生更著重畢業後投資報酬率及就業機會。雖 F1 Hire 的排名有很高的參考價值,但是要更細部分析才準確,因為美國各個領域的就業機會分配不平均,尤其是學術界、金融、跟高科技業都是集中在東西岸大城市。Illinois, Arizona, Texas都有大城市(尤其芝加哥)算是例外。某些領域(例如規模化農作業 large-scale agriculture)的就業集中地可能不在城市內,也應該納入學生考量。
Weinstein(2022)研究金融業僱用率及薪資比顯示:就算是 Top 20 常春藤名校的畢業生,畢業後到美國前20 的銀行顧問公司的機會也取決於企業(或是分公司、辦公室)離學校的距離遠近。顧問公司周邊的學校學生能夠在校園跟雇主接觸的機會高出四倍。對非常春藤學校畢業、以及想要提高自身社會經濟地位的畢業生來說,企業離學校的距離更重要,on-campus recruitment (雇主參與校園就業展)影響畢業生薪資差高達24%。
美國經濟研究局(National Bureau of Economic Research)2023年研究(Conzelmann et al., 2023)顯示:高排名以及高研究產出(R1, R2)的學校越不會隨著對雇主及市場就業機會改變起舞。相對的,低排名的綜合大學以及各個學校內的研究所(不包括博士)對市場機會結構性變遷非常敏感,因為他們的學生求學大多以就業為導向。同樣的,低技術含量的科系相較高技術含量的professional careers(法律、醫療、高科技、金融)來說,也對雇主及市場變動更加敏感。
另外,州政府及企業有各自的經濟發展目標及配套政策,也會影響畢業生的就業機會。當下台灣學生最熟悉的例子應該是台積電在亞利桑那州設廠引發的求職潮。美國近幾年極度缺乏藥師人才,因此the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy從2024年開始廢除了過往申請Pharm.D.學位必考的Pharmacy College Admission Test(PCAT)。北卡羅來納州政府在 2024 年也投資美金$835,000,000與社區學院合作培養醫護人才,提高醫護人員基本薪資(North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services, 2024)。
- https://www.f1hire.com/ranking
- Conzelmann, J. G., Hemelt, S. W., Hershbein, B., Martin, S. M., Simon, A., & Stange, K. M. (2023). Skills, Majors, and Jobs: Does Higher Education Respond? (No. w31572). National Bureau of Economic Research.
- On World Mental Health Day, NC celebrates historic $835M investment in behavioral health. (2023, October 10). North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services. https://www.ncdhhs.gov/news/press-releases/2023/10/10/world-mental-health-day-nc-celebrates-historic-835m-investment-behavioral-health
- Pharmacy College Admission Test | AACP. (2023, January 24). https://www.aacp.org/resource/pharmacy-college-admission-test
- Weinstein, R. (2022). Firm decisions and variation across universities in access to high-wage jobs: Evidence from employer recruiting. Journal of Labor Economics, 40(1), 1-46.
前 100 排名學校 (F1 Hire)
學校 | 排名 | 評分 |
San Jose State University | 1 | 100 |
Carnegie Mellon University | 2 | 99.7 |
Stanford University | 3 | 99.4 |
Princeton University | 4 | 99.1 |
Central Michigan University | 5 | 98.8 |
Georgia Institute of Technology | 6 | 98.5 |
University of Southern California | 7 | 98.2 |
California State University, Sacramento | 8 | 97.9 |
Harvard University | 9 | 97.6 |
University of Florida | 10 | 97.3 |
Brigham Young University | 11 | 97 |
University of Houston-Clear Lake | 12 | 96.6 |
San Diego State University | 13 | 96.3 |
Northern Illinois University | 14 | 96 |
St. Cloud State University | 15 | 95.7 |
University of Pennsylvania | 16 | 95.4 |
Cornell University | 17 | 95.1 |
Santa Clara University | 18 | 94.8 |
Dartmouth College | 19 | 94.5 |
University of California, Santa Cruz | 20 | 94.2 |
Columbia University in the City of New York | 21 | 93.9 |
Yale University | 22 | 93.6 |
Maharishi International University | 23 | 93.3 |
Louisiana Tech University | 24 | 93 |
The University of Memphis | 25 | 92.7 |
University of California, Berkeley | 26 | 92.4 |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte | 27 | 92.1 |
Portland State University | 28 | 91.8 |
Northwestern University | 29 | 91.5 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 30 | 91.2 |
Rice University | 31 | 90.9 |
The University of Texas at Dallas | 32 | 90.6 |
The University of Akron | 33 | 90.3 |
Governors State University | 34 | 89.9 |
University of Louisiana at Lafayette | 35 | 89.6 |
The University of Mississippi | 36 | 89.3 |
California State University, Los Angeles | 37 | 89 |
Eastern Michigan University | 38 | 88.7 |
University of Missouri-Columbia | 39 | 88.4 |
Wilmington University | 40 | 88.1 |
University of California, San Diego | 41 | 87.8 |
McNeese State University | 42 | 87.5 |
University of Colorado Boulder | 43 | 87.2 |
Indiana University - Bloomington | 44 | 86.9 |
The University of Texas at Austin | 45 | 86.6 |
Texas A&M University - Kingsville | 46 | 86.3 |
New York University | 47 | 86 |
Bellevue University | 48 | 85.7 |
Northwest Missouri State University | 49 | 85.4 |
Wichita State University | 50 | 85.1 |
California State University, Long Beach | 51 | 84.8 |
University of California, Irvine | 52 | 84.5 |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | 53 | 84.2 |
Duke University | 54 | 83.9 |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 55 | 83.6 |
Brigham Young University-Idaho | 56 | 83.2 |
University of the Potomac | 57 | 82.9 |
Arizona State University | 58 | 82.6 |
Oklahoma State University | 59 | 82.3 |
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor | 60 | 82 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | 61 | 81.7 |
California State University, East Bay | 62 | 81.4 |
University of Virginia | 63 | 81.1 |
University of California, Los Angeles | 64 | 80.8 |
Utah State University | 65 | 80.5 |
Illinois Institute of Technology | 66 | 80.2 |
Fairleigh Dickinson University | 67 | 79.9 |
University of the Cumberlands | 68 | 79.6 |
Rochester Institute of Technology | 69 | 79.3 |
Purdue University | 70 | 79 |
Syracuse University | 71 | 78.7 |
Western Illinois University | 72 | 78.4 |
The City University of New York - Bernard M. Baruch College | 73 | 78.1 |
University of Central Missouri | 74 | 77.8 |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 75 | 77.5 |
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | 76 | 77.2 |
University of Arizona | 77 | 76.8 |
Lamar University | 78 | 76.5 |
Florida State University | 79 | 76.2 |
Youngstown State University | 80 | 75.9 |
California State University, Fullerton | 81 | 75.6 |
Wayne State University | 82 | 75.3 |
Brown University | 83 | 75 |
Wright State University | 84 | 74.7 |
Southern New Hampshire University | 85 | 74.4 |
Southern Arkansas University | 86 | 74.1 |
University of Kentucky | 87 | 73.8 |
University of Pittsburgh | 88 | 73.5 |
University of Houston | 89 | 73.2 |
University of Cincinnati | 90 | 72.9 |
Northeastern University | 91 | 72.6 |
University of California, Santa Barbara | 92 | 72.3 |
The University of Texas at San Antonio | 93 | 72 |
The University of Southern Mississippi | 94 | 71.7 |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | 95 | 71.4 |
Yeshiva University | 96 | 71.1 |
The Johns Hopkins University | 97 | 70.8 |
North Carolina State University at Raleigh | 98 | 70.5 |
University of Illinois Chicago | 99 | 70.1 |
University of Maryland - College Park | 100 | 69.8 |